Image Club Release Notes (C)1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated ArtGear(TM) CD ROM Welcome to ArtGear - creative images that give new meaning to the old adage of a picture speaking a thousand words. Each photo or illustration will give you the ability to express complex ideas with a single, stunning, high quality image. Drum scanned to ensure perfect reproduction every time, the ArtGear line of CD ROMs will provide you with an astonishingly wide variety of useful and exciting stock images for multimedia, fine art, advertising and superb quality, high resolution output at a price you can afford. Macintosh(R) & IBM(R) PC Compatibility _______________________________ All Image Club CD ROMs are multi-platform compatible. This means that the same CD ROM disc may be used on either a Macintosh(R) or IBM(R) PC compatible computer system. Using the international ISO9660 CD ROM standard, Image Club discs may be accessed using nearly every CD ROM drive available today. Please enjoy your Image Club CD ROM! System Requirements _______________________________ The minimum Macintosh configuration is a Macintosh II with 4 MB of RAM, 25 MB of free hard drive space, System Software version 6.0.7 or later, a CD ROM drive, Foreign File Access software (supplied with most CD ROM drives) and an 8 bit grey scale monitor. The recommended Macintosh configuration is a PowerMac 6100/60 or better with 20 MB of application RAM, System Software version 7.0 or later, CD ROM drive, Foreign File Access Software and a 24-bit color monitor with 2 MB or greater video RAM. The minimum PC configuration is a 386 compatible processor with 4 MB of RAM, 25 MB of free hard drive space, CD ROM drive, MS DOS version 4.1 or later and an EGA graphics card. The recommended PC configuration is a 486DX2/66 or better, 32 MB of RAM, 100 MB of free hard drive space, CD ROM drive, Windows 3.1 or later and a high resolution SVGA graphics card with 1 MB or greater video RAM. Image File Formats _______________________________ The image files on this ArtGear CD ROM are stored in these resolutions: High Resolution (approx. 37 MB) High resolution files are 300 dots/pixels per inch. These images are ideal for high resolution reproduction and have a size of 12" x 12", allowing for full page reproduction at 150 lpi. Medium Resolution (approx. 9 MB) Medium resolution files are 300 dots/pixels per inch and have a size of 6" x 6". These images are ideal for smaller, high resolution layouts, full screen multimedia and comps. Low Resolution (approx. 0.5 MB) Low resolution files are 72 dots/pixels per inch images of the same size as the medium resolution images. They are best suited for multi-media presentations, "for position only" placement in layouts, and on-screen previews. Both the high and medium resolution files have been provided as JPEG files while the low resolution files are TIFF files. In all cases, the images have been saved at maximum quality, ensuring files that reproduce well at high resolutions. We recommend that you save the JPEG files as TIFF files before working on them. ArtGear File Name Extensions _______________________________ The files on ArtGear CD ROMs have been named using a set of extensions that allow for quick identification of the different file types and resolutions. Use the following table as reference. Type of File Macintosh Extension PC Extension High Resolution Image high.jpg H.JPG Medium Resolution Image med.jpg M.JPG Low Resolution Image low.tif L.TIF Kudo(R) Catalog Reader _______________________________ You may use Kudo Catalog Reader to find specific image files on this CD ROM. Files can be searched by keywords or chosen by thumbnail previews. Once located, items can be copied, previewed, placed, printed or opened by another application. Open the Kudo folder, and choose between the 16 Bit (SETUP16) and 32 Bit (SETUP32) folders. Launch the SETUP.EXE program and follow the prompts to install the Kudo Catalog Reader onto your system. For more information, please refer to the Kudo README.TXT file under \Kudo\Setup16 or \Kudo\Setup32 directory on this CD ROM. Extensis(TM) Fetch(TM) _______________________________ You may use Extensis Fetch to find specific image files on this CD ROM. Files can be searched by keyword or file names. Please refer to the Fetch manual and Read Me file under the Extensis Fetch folder on this CD ROM for more information. Adobe(R) Acrobat(TM) _______________________________ Some documentation on this disc is supplied in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. You will need to install the Acrobat Reader software in order to view these documents. The "Acrobat(TM) Reader 3.0 Install" can be found on this disc in the "Utilities" folder on Mac systems. Please follow the instructions in the "Read Me First!" document found with the Acrobat installer. For PC systems, the installer can be found in the ACROREAD folder within the START folder. Double click AR16E30.EXE to install the 16-bit (Win 3.x) version of Acrobat Reader or AR32E30.EXE for the 32- bit (Win 95/NT) version of Acrobat Reader. The use of Adobe Acrobat and the Portable Document Format (PDF) at Image Club is integrated with nearly all of our information distribution tasks. Because of Acrobat, we aren't as reliant on laser printers, imagesetters, offset presses, paper or postage costs to publish & distribute our internal documents, product information or graphic samples. Everything from text and simple line drawings to EPS clip art and the richest, full color digital photographs can be distributed using the PDF format. Acrobat allows fast access to images or text with the same level of quality as the original document, independent of computer platform. Licensing Information _______________________________ The photographic images supplied on this Image Club CD ROM are for the personal use of the end user only and are copyright of Image Club Graphics, a division of Adobe Systems Incorporated. You are licensed to use the copyrighted photographic images for presentation, printed, reproduction or display purposes. Unauthorized duplication, reproduction, reselling or distribution of the copyrighted photographic images in digital form is strictly prohibited. You may make one copy of the files for backup purposes only. Please note that by using the images, you have agreed to the terms of the End User License Agreement, which is printed on the disc sleeve of this CD ROM as well as provided in electronic form as both a text and an Acrobat PDF document. Technical Support _______________________________ Please read the release notes, installation guide and user manual before using your Image Club CD ROM. We guarantee that this will save you time in the long run. If you have a problem with the installation of or use of any Image Club product, please refer to the user manual and other information provided, as well as the user manuals supplied with your Mac(R) and Windows(R) applications before calling Image Club Technical Support. Image Club Graphics A Division of Adobe Systems Incorporated Suite 800 - 833 Fourth Avenue Southwest Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 3T5 Orders & Info 800 661 9410 Order Fax 800 814 7783 International Fax 403 261 7013 Free Catalogs 800 387 9193 Technical Support 403 262 8008 x3101 E-Mail Support Web Site _______________________________ Updated : 28 May 1997